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January 31st/ 2016


I found two articles which I read and think they are going to be really useful for mi innovation. "Evaluación del conocimiento estratégico de los alumnos a través de tareas auténticas de escritura en clase de ciencias naturales" is an article that eventhough it is not of the subject I am working on, shows me the experience of the authentic performance in class, specially the writing skill, which is one of my objectives for the students in their improvement of English. 


The second article is " La formación profesional en la universidad: una propuesta a través de la evaluación mediante casos auténticos". It gives me a perspective of how the authentic performance tasks help the students to understand English better, at the same time they are working on real proffessional cases.


I have found the PLE useful in most of the cases, because it has hekped me remember things I have done and I can connect past situations with what is happening now. It is very necessary as you have the articles checked in hand, your documents and all your stuff from the innovation and from your paper. I think it will continue being useful as it has everything what is needed according to how you have been working it.




November 10th/2015


My new challenge since now is to try to answer this question : What changes take place in the oral and written communication of the Psychology students using authentic performance? I have no idea how to measure it, but what I am going to do is write to find an answer to it. There are many changes in the communication using authentic performance...


November 5th/2015


Today I started looking for a study case on internet, but it was split, it means the case about one thing, the interview about other and the report about another topic, so I got pretty confused. What was I going to do to go on my pre - post test???


As I had classes with the students that are going to be my sample, I had the chance to talk to them to clarify doubts I had, and also talked about what they have learnt in psychology so far during the past three semesters. Suddenly, they started giving me what I wanted! They told me they have made a study case of a young child, with an interview and a final report as part of a subject in Psychology. In my head I said BINGO, so I was just waiting for them to send me to my e mail what they have done, obviously in Spanish.


What I am supposed to do know is read the cases and traslate them into English to continue my work. Now I feel as if I am going on the correct path to develop my innovation, eventhough I have no idea how to start my paper, I have clarified all the things related to my topic and I know I can go on as far as I want!


November 4th/ 2015


My very big question is: How am I going to star my innovation? It means where should I start from. I think the best way to start is planning what I am going to do during the six weeks, because that´s the only way to know the things I am going to include in the pre – post test. What I am going to focus on is in the authentic performance of the students in the English Subject, especially to develop their oral and written skills that will help them communicate better. As I have read many articles about the authentic performance, they say students must have real situations according to their career to start practicing what they are going to do in the future, so that´s why they are going to make the subject meaningful for them, as they know it is going to be useful in their lives.

Even though, it was a little hard for me to establish the objective I was going to set, talking with Miss Karen Wigby has helped me a lot to clarify my doubts.


First, I was supposed to have different objectives for each unit and just take them as they were, but then I realized that I should have one main authentic performance that will be separated in each skill that I should emphasize on. As a result, I decided to pick up a case, one related to a psychological interview, to disintegrate it into different steps of learning: first, we will read the case and decide which sentences are facts and which are opinions to work on reading comprehension and critical thinking; then we are going to role-play an interview similar to the one in the case to develop their oral skills; and finally we are going to make a report about the case following a form to practice their writing abilities.


I have been thinking the past weeks on this innovation and I thought the hardest part of it was starting to work on it. As I was a little lost, I think I have found my path to go on this. So tomorrow I´m going to start looking for the cases to make the test and to work in class.




En mi actividad laboral he estado vinculado a trabajos relacionados al área de Inglés y en dicho campo he impartido clases a diferentes niveles en la facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Guayaquil. Las observaciones áulicas las realice a dos compañeros de mi facultad, que estaban dando clases de recuperación a los alumnos que van a rendir exámenes de mejoramiento. Gracias a comprender la importancia del pensamiento reflexivo, entendiendo que “lo que constituye el pensamiento reflexivo es el examen activo, persistente y cuidadoso de toda creencia o supuesta forma de conocimiento a la luz de los fundamentos que la sostienen y las conclusiones a las que tiende” (Dewey, 1998, p.25); busco analizar de manera minuciosa las actividades realizadas por mis colegas, de manera que esto haga cuestionarme sobre mi manera de impartir conocimientos a mis estudiantes, y si estos llegarán a cumplir los objetivos deseados.


Es verdad que dos personas no pueden impartir de la misma manera una clase, pero hay aspectos en común que evidencié en las observaciones. Las planificaciones son basadas en el alumno, pero que al ser un segundo idioma, no logran cumplir ciertos parámetros. Hay interacción entre los alumnos y los profesores, y entre sus pares también, lo que hace que los estudiantes vayan construyendo sus conocimientos a partir de esta experiencia directa. Hay una conexión entre los conocimientos anteriores y los actuales, lo cual hace que las clases sean muy productivas al despejar cualquier duda anterior. Hay sólo dos fuentes de aprendizaje, el profesor y los libros; quizá si estos se apoyaran con material extra de otras fuentes sería fantástico para el desempeño de sus estudiantes. Finalmente, hay una conexión entre la parte teórica y la práctica, aunque si se necesita establecer más actividades que lleven al alumno a poner en práctica lo aprendido.




Algunas sueños sin conciliar, un par de noches durmiendo con el deber de el plan inverso en mi cabeza, sirvieron para que poco a poco vaya entendiendo lo que debía hacer, y, sobretodo darme cuenta de que ya he pasado bastantes horas de clase con reflexión, bitácoras, compremsión, desempeños, que finalmente algo debía quedarse en mi cebrebro.

¿Cómo podría elaborar mi plan de la manera correcta? ¿Qué principios establecería para mi plan? Por qué habría de escoger justamente esos? Cómo sabría si son los adecuados? Miles de preguntas en mi cabeza, hasta que leyendo detenidamente cada intrucción que me dió la Miss Karen, comprendí que el desempeño auténtico es el valedero, el que va a ser significativo para mis alumnos, ese sería el correcto.


También comprendí que, mi resultado final, sería el que los alumnos pudieran aplicar los conocimientos aprendidos en una entrevista: ya sea como entrevistado o entrevistador. Para que esto se cumpla,  Ordoñez nos indica que " los desempeños de aprendizaje, son los que se relacionan con lo que hacen en la vida real; ésto los convierte en desempeños auténticos para la auténtica comprensión". Perkins (p.87) nos dice : " el aprendizaje para la comprensión se produce principalmente por medio de un compromiso reflexivo con desempeños de comprensión a los que es posible abordar para que se presenten como un desafío". Los principios en los que basaré mis criterios serán sobre estos dos pensadores.

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